Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Gift of Giving

I went to Toys R' Us today to look around for board games. Mikey and Felicia wanted to get their son a haircut. I kept looking around and realized there were an extraordinary number of people there but very little good items. I forgot how much I don't like the experience of actually buying presents.

I don't get any personal space. Everyone puts out all that potpourri which almost makes me pass out (my senses are unusually strong especially smell). Nobody shows much courtesy. It is even harder because I really like to take my time selecting the right gift for my friends and family. Unfortunately, I am feeling a bit guilty this year that I won't be able get everyone a gift.

I really enjoy getting gifts for as many friends as I can. Not because I am trying to buy their friendship. I actually enjoy the feeling of giving and sharing. It was something instilled in me very early. Must be that Catholic upbringing (or guilt). I am using a lot of money to pay for incentives for my dissertation. It was the only way to encourage participation after a year of getting only one person. So I had to choose this time.

Besides my family, I was only able to get something for two people. The first of course was graduating with her Ph.D. and has been instrumental in exposing me to the city and improving my socialization skills. She and her boyfriend have been great friends to me as I would have probably been very lonely had I not met them. The second person was also graduating this time with a Master's degree. Without her, I don't think I would have focused on what needs to be done now, what I want to do after I graduate, and what is really important in life. She challenged me to do better and helped balance me when I got a little manic. I am going to miss her most of all.

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