Saturday, December 30, 2006

Miss Nevada and Friends: In Full Color

Okay you have got to see this. So some of you may have remembered all of the hullabaloo about Miss USA and Miss Nevada. Well the Donald was willing to give Miss USA another chance despite doing drugs, drinking while underage, and kissing Miss Teen USA. But why oh why did Miss Nevada lose her crown.

Click here to see exactly why. WARNING: graphic content. She exposes almost everything, kisses, drinks, etc. Nice! No drugs though. But it was really her two friends that made the scene memorable. Wow the one with that nice baby blue top was absolutely amazing. Unfortunately, the owners of the blog won't let people post pictures on their own blogs. Something about legal action or some such. I guess they are trying to make a buck too.

The rumor is that it was one of the girls in the pictures who sent the photos to the media. Hmm you have to wonder if she somehow thought Miss Nevada was not a very good role model or just wanted to make money off some raunchy pictures. Well she tried really hard to get them taken off by saying she was 17 at the time, but she later had to retract that statement when she counted to 19. Oops.

Home for the Holidays

I just finished a day with family. I am in Big D right now celebrating the rest of the holiday. Since I finished all my work until January 2, I have now turning my attention to interview transcriptions. After buying a new cassette recorder for my dad to help, I sat down and got two 60+ minute tapes done in twelve hours. Whom who buys cassette tape recorders anymore. You know they girl at the Circuit City was given me a hassle about why I don't want to go digital. And then just now, my mom couldn't figure out how to pause a movie on the DVR.

I guess we are still blending the old world of analogue with the new digital world when doing qualitative research. I can't imagine if my faculty would even consider the value of blogs or recording using a laptop. Now don't get me wrong, I don't necessarily thing of them as old, but I just don't think many of them realize the technology that today's college students are into. Even more and more graduates students are also getting myspace or facebook accounts.

Well what did I learn from my interviews today. Well participant number seven pointed out two really important things about the law school. First, she pointed out that the law school seems to be a fairly segregated environment with subgroups that remain fairly isolated. She also mentioned that the each law student could benefit from an academic advisor. Hmm, right now I am getting distracted by The Matador. The hit man failed to facilitate properly. Anyway I think I will be able to get another two cassettes done tomorrow.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

INFP, Stereotypes, and the Prejudice of One Woman

If there is a single word that defines this type, it is idealist. As Introverted Feelers, they discover their ideals through a subjective interpretation of the world, and put those ideals to use to help others in a variety of ways. They are often the "Joans (or Johns) of Arc" who seek fulfillment through performing noble service to aid society. Of course there is the issue that male INFP's are not always viewed by ladies as very masculine guys.

Male INFPs can be seen by others as too gentle or even wimpy. The INFPs' generally passive, live-and-let-live exterior, however admirable, may lack the take-charge quality often associated with maleness - until they feel that their value system is threatened, that is. Then, the easygoing ways (of male and female INFPs alike can give way to harsh rigidity). For co-workers, friends, and mates who don't understand this characteristic, the INFP can seem, at best, a source of mixed signals - flexible one moment, rigid the next - and, at worst, a deep, complex, even somewhat melancholy person who is hard to understand.

So perhaps we do not fit into the stereotypical version of male that women sometimes develop. Now, if masculinity is broadened a little more, many INFPs could fit. We are committed to values of integrity, loyalty, a sense of honor, etc. We may not always be the strongest, hottest, most confident males out there, but we will always have the advantage in understanding others. Doesn't this trump stereotypical masculinity? So for the person whom this note was meant for (and she knows who she is) maybe the preconceived vision of a man you grew up with should be reevaluated.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Great Glass Elevators

I can't believe I set foot back in that building again. It was this morning. A sunny but very cold day and my dad needed to get his watch. The place was the Dallas World Trade Center (no not the one in New York). Ever since my parents started their antique business here in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, they became members of the WTC. So why would I be so apprehensive about this place? Well it was 2001 and I was expected to complete a task that usually accompanies graduation from law school. You guessed it. I had to the take the State of Texas Bar Exam.

So there we were parking and going inside the building. It was much quieter than I remember but the floor number was unmistakable - 12th floor. Interestingly enough this building does have a 13th floor. What could have been. I have always been apprehensive about this place because of the 2 1/2 days that occurred that July. I remember leaving that building every day as the test went on feeling nauseous. Not to mention that I had to take the large glass elevators to get up there.

I don't know why, but I have always felt anxiety in elevators. Of course I am not afraid of heights. I don't mind being up in high environments. I have climbed mountains and enjoyed the views. What I don't like is the potential that I might fall. That the cables will break and I will plunge down out of control. Perhaps some counselor or psychiatrist will analyze that and say, "Hmm. That's interesting!" I think it is because those devices represent one of the ultimate moments when you have no control over the situation.

Well we made it out okay. I even learned that the place was even larger than I originally imagine. There are also some great jewelry shops on the floor we were on. They even measure, cut, and set there own items on-site. We later went to Central Market and Fiesta. We were in search of Turrón de Alicante my mom’s favorite dessert from Spain.

Four Interviews in Two Days

Wow. What a whirlwind couple of days. I just drove back yesterday to Dallas to spend the holidays with my parents. I was originally planning to drive back around 3 PM, but as luck would have it the tenth and final person I needed to interview called me and agreed to do it that day. So I completed 6 of 10 interviews during this week. I am sitting here watching Beverly Hills Cop II while I am typing this. I keep forgetting how intense interviewing another person can be.

The first time I did two in one day left me so tired and drained. This week I did two on Thursday and two on Friday. These last four were so rich with information. They were exactly the stories I needed to hear. Last night when I got home, I remember having not eaten all day so I managed to eat some chicken salad (yes that I actually made), but then I passed out in a chair. When my parents got home from a party they were still pretty alert. But I could not remember what my mom was trying to say about the party.

So what did I learn over two days that made me so stressed out. It can be really intense when you hear words like terror, personal hell, stress, and panic used to describe the first year of an educational experience. Hey did you know that Chris Rock was in Beverly Hills Cop II? Since these are all individuals who are first in their family to go, it is understandable that they might use these rather concerning psychological terms. I know for me it brought back some intense memories for me about my higher education experiences.

Can't wait until January 17.

Quote of the Day

[Rugen has invited Humperdinck to watch Westley being tortured]

Prince Humperdinck (Chris Sarandon): Tyrone, you know how much I love watching you work. But I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder, and Guilder to frame for it. I'm swamped.

Count Rugen (Christopher Guest): Get some rest. If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything.

from: Princess Bride, The (1987)[12.23.06]

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Anytime You Need a Good Laugh

I have a good friend I went to college with who now has a 2 1/2 year old. Because his family lives here in Austin, I have gotten the rare treat of seeing him grow as an infant and toddler. I have found that his energy and innocence have actually increased my patience level as an adult. He is a pretty funny and cute kid who just this moment is running around the apartment trying to get our attention. Two hours ago, he successfully opened the front door (despite to bolt locks and a childproof device on the knob) before dad ran to scoop him up.

I remember the first time I came over and his dad told me he could climb out of the crib. In my excitement his uncle and I took him to his room to see it done. We walked him in, put him in the crib, and motioned him to come to us. Oh right now he has the wire of a PS2 controller in his mouth trying to make me laugh. His uncle then took out his camera phone and we recorded 60 seconds of it. We were both amazed at his creativity and laughing uncontrollably as we realized what this meant for dear old dad.

I know I am not related by blood but I have come a part of his world. In fact I have been known affectionately as "Aggie" since he learned to speak words. Darn he still can't say Erik. I think his mom and dad are practicing that with him just so he'll keep saying it. Oh, now he has a green cap cover stuck to his mouth trying to make me laugh and dancing in front of the TV. He was extremely entertaining the first time he opened the sliding door, climbed over the child gate, and wanted to blow bubbles just to name a few. I have managed to store pictures on my camera phone of various stages of his life so far. I hope he keeps his creativity and sense of humor for many years. Oh now his is trying to open the zippers and close the clips on my backpack. Yes he's been able to do that for about a year and "No" just doesn't work.

I suddenly have an incredible urge to go blow some bubbles.

Reengineering Project

You know when you have spent too much time in school. In my case it has been 13 long years moving from undergraduate to law school and finally graduate school. That's right, one can spend too much time in books thinking that all the answers can be found there. When you start college you think that your going to get all the answers. You are looking for that Holy Grail which will get you the A in every class. I know I wanted the "stereo instructions" for everything such as grades, relationships, work, etc. Then you get into law/grad school and learn about the grays. No longer to do you get nice pretty black and white answers.

Every question leads to more questions with very few answers and the answers you were so certain about are no longer so. Then you take stock of your life and realize you spent so much time in search of knowledge (well at least trying), you forgot there are things you can't learn in school. I am so close to the end of my formal schooling but I still sense that something is missing. This past weekend, I decided enough was enough. So today, I made the commitment to begin a significant personal development project. It will probably take longer than I have time left on my degree to complete, but I think it will be worth it.

Quote of the Day

"You'll have to forgive Hank. His heart's in the right place but he keeps his brain in a box at home." - Arthur (Rip Torn) from "Larry Sanders Show, The" (1992)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Sir Thomas More: Legal Ethics and Public Interest Law

Sir Thomas More (7 February 1478 — 6 July 1535) was an English lawyer, author, and statesman. During his lifetime he became a leading humanist scholar, served as Henry VIII’s Lord Chancellor from 1529 to 1532, and published Utopia in 1516. He was executed as a traitor for standing up for his convictions in opposing King Henry VIII's claim to be the supreme head of the Church of England. In 1935, More was canonized in the Catholic Church by Pope Pius XI as Saint Thomas More and later declared the patron saint of lawyers and statesmen.

I hear many stories of high school students and undergraduates aspiring to the legal profession not for the pursuit of justice, knowledge, or some other altruistic motivation. Instead the repeated response given is that they want to make money. Of course law schools are happy to cater to that pursuit. There have been very few advances and incentives for encouraging careers in public interest law, and the majority of graduates from ABA-accredited law schools still go to private law firms. Also consider that states like Texas do not require pro-bono work in the
Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct (it is only recommended).

How many lawyers today would be willing to stand up for their convictions and faith against the state? So what should an attorney do if s/he has a client they know is guilty but they have an excellent chance of convincing a jury of his innocence without breaking any laws (including the code). Should the attorney tell the prosecutor and/or the public? Well consider this point well. The ultimate penalty for disobeying the legal code of ethics doesn't involve death of person (as was the case with Thomas More), but it does mean the death of one's ability to practice the profession of law.

How many top-of-their class law students would be willing to sacrifice the potential for a lucrative firm position to work in public interest law? Today laypersons and lay groups have attacked legal codes of ethics (such as the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct) as self-serving of the profession rather than protecting the morals and values of society. There are also attacks that the legal profession fails to adequately serve those who need it most - those in the lowest socioeconomic stratum
. What would be the most effective incentive (moral, financial, etc.) to produce a change in the career aspirations of law students and practicing attorneys?

Semiotics: What is Friendship?

I had an extraordinary interview this afternoon for my dissertation study. During the conversation, the discussion turned to views about the definition of a friend. It is interesting how the term can mean different things to different people. There is also from what I have learned and read a cultural component to the word. For example, I have ordered my universe by creating a hierarchy of friend categories. I have friends through school that I have encountered through work, student organizations, volunteering, and classes. But oddly enough, many of these friendships are probably transitory, and I wonder if I would maintain them if the person moved or I did. I am sure I am not the only one that uses levels of friendship.

So I am not sure what word I would use to describe the few relationships that are the most meaningful. Best? Special? Close? Hmm. I don't like to use the word "true" friends since it in some way indicates all other people you have called friends are false in some way. I don't like where that leads to. I do agree that my closest relationships are reserved for those whom I would drop everything to help out and vice versa. They know you would have their back in a fight and vice versa. Could it be that in these closest relationships you must always take their side in a situation? I don't know if you have to adopt the position yourself but I'm thinking you must support and respect their side. There is an unconditional devotion that must exist in the closest of relationships especially important when one person in the relationship screws up. I look for bonds that withstand the peculiarities of my personality I bring to the table.

I Forgot to Take Out The...

You would think someone as OCD as I am would find a way to integrate this behaviour into the realm of etiquette. You know it's funny but I never used to remember to send out cards for any occasion. Only my immediate family would get them, and I always had to give one serious one and one funny. Heck I even like to keep grooming and wardrobe simple opting for a short haircut (my mom thinks it's too military) and single color fabrics. You can't imagine how much I loathe wearing a suit. The event or the person has to be very special for me to do it. I just would rather wear cargo shorts and a nice polo everyday.

Lately I have gotten into predictable patterns of conducting my daily life again (with only one area that is an exception). For example, on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I go to the convenience store right before work the guy already as the five things I want to buy waiting (a newspaper, bag of peanuts, Zero candy bar, 16 oz. Diet Mountain Dew, and a 1L bottle of Ozarka). He even remembers how I want to pay. Then there is the Monday, Wednesday, Friday lunch ritual of getting Wendy's. I eat only the meat/cheese on a triple, side Caesar salad, and large Diet Coke. I even take the same road and path to get to and from work. These are just a few of the patterns that might drive some people mad.

But today, I woke up and realized I had forgotten to get my Christmas cards out. I bought them two weeks ago. I even wrote about half of them (all except for the acquaintance ones) that night. But I didn't have the addresses for my professors and co-workers. So I got into the office today and after trying to figure out how to get into the SSB on Friday (the building is open but DOS is not) for my interviews, I sat down to finish my cards. Now they are just sitting here staring at me as I try to forget about the fact I was late with them. But there is still the constant gnawing thought - How could I be so absent-minded?

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas for the Soul

I spend a great deal of time in reflection especially around Christmas. It's funny, when I went to the Trail of Lights on Tuesday, Rebecca, Mario, and I got into a discussion about The Passion of the Christ. Not just about whether or not it was a good movie mind you. As I describe my experience to them, I vividly remember every moment of the pain and torture Jesus endured during the movie. It was an extraordinary vision of what happened in the last 12 hours before his crucifixion, and I remember I could almost feel Jesus' suffering. As I left the theatre, I remember thinking about all those who were less fortunate than me or worse off than me. I immediately wanted to go to Church.

The movie represented one of those symbols that reminds me that I need to do more to remain unselfish. I have always tried to do good and be a decent human being. Usually I am looking out for everyone else's needs. This of course means that I am not looking out for me most of the time because I never feel like I am doing enough for others. Consequently, I try bottle up any feelings or ideas about my happiness or success.

This works very well most of the time, but there are still a few moments when even I break. There are very few things I can say I want in my life - a wife, children, and a sense of completeness. Of course life doesn't come with an instruction manual only free will and faith. Because very few moments have ever come along when I feel I can have one of these things, I go after it with such intensity and feel it so completely it's as if my entire being is afire. Because of my introverted tendencies, passion and reason become out of balance.

This past week I expressed my feelings to someone (well in writing at least). But now I am reeling from guilt. While I believe and have faith that my feelings for her were true, my words more than likely came across as too intense. I haven't been able to shake the feeling that there was a better way. I do know where I will be spending my time this week asking for guidance and seeking penance.

Pacers-Pistons v. Knicks-Nuggets

Okay. I was not watching the game live but I did catch the replay on ESPN. Leave to that network to continue hyping up events to mega proportions. What a bunch of media whores. Now I do think that the Pacers-Pistons brawl was worse because fans got involved and players were hitting fans. In this incident, I think the worst that I probably saw was the part were there were four on one just off court. I think they are probably going to get the worst of any penalties.

So what is David Stern to do? As he continues his one man crusade to push uptight, upper-class etiquette in the sport of basketball, one can only wonder what he must be thinking. First, he began the season with giving T fouls to everyone in sight (even franchise players were not immune). Then there was the leather-synthetic fiasco which he has now apparently flip-flopped on. He is becoming unpredictable just like what can happen on the court.

Wait a minute, I thought we didn't like flip-floppers. We elected our current president because his opponent did this. Maybe we will see more leniency but don't hold your breath. I think we are going to see 30 game suspensions as he tries to appease whatever the hell candy-ass constituency keeps pushing for PC behavior in sports. What is he thinking? This is sports. Where grown men or women are competing to win. Human nature says there is going to be emotions and you can't always predict what happens next.

Quote of the Day

"Now listen up, you primitive screwheads. See this? This... is my boomstick! The 12-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. You *got* that?" - Ash (Bruce Campbell) from Army of Darkness (1992)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bridget Moynahan is Single

I just heard the news. What a babe, and incredibly she's 36. I have watched her in several previous films like The Recruit and I, Robot which show her with a more repressed look but this picture is much better. Is it me or is it getting warm in here? What versatility - chick flicks, sci-fi, romantic comedies, and action. Most people probably don't remember this, but she was also the girl who was taking anger management classes in Coyote Ugly. I am thinking Tom Brady is the biggest idiot.

Gran televisión Forra para un Cambio

Judd Hirsch as Wes Mendell on "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" (2006)

No será una exposición muy buena esta noche. Pienso que usted debe cambiar el canal, cambia el canal en este momento o mejor mas la vuelta de la televisión. Ahora, sé que parece esto es supuesto ser chistoso, pero, ajá, mañana usted es el hallazgo de gonna fuera que no fue y para entonces habré sido despedido. No, esto no es un dibujo. Esta exposición era vanguardia la sátira política y social, pero ha obtenido lobotomized por un asno de dulces transmitió la red. Totalmente resuelto en hacer nada que quizás desafíe su audiencia. Estamos a punto de hacer un dibujo que todos visto quiere 500 veces. No, nadie gonna confunde George Bush y George Plimpton, sí nosotros lo obtenemos. Todos somos lobotomized por estes países la mayoría de las industrias influyentes. Acaba de añadir la toalla en ninguna tentativa para hacer algo que no implica el courting de de 12 años de edad chicos. Ni el listo 12 año viejo, los estúpidos, los idiotas de que hay abundantes gracias a no pequeña mención de esta red. ¿De modo que por qué no cambia usted apenas el canal? Apague la televisión lo hace en este momento. La lucha entre el arte y el comercio. Bien, siempre ha habido una lucha entre el arte y el comercio y ahora yo le digo arte obtiene lo es asno pateado y nos hace significamos y nos hacemos malicioso. ¡Nos hace mocosos baratos y eso no son que somos! Las personas tienen los concursos para ver cuánto ellos pueden estar como Triunfo de Donald. Comemos gusanos para el dinero. "Que quiere enroscar mi hermana". Los tipos son matados en una guerra que tiene la música y un logo. Ese telemando en manos es un tubo de la grieta, ah sí seguro de vez en cuando nosotros fingimos para ser horrorizados. ¡Llegamos a ser Pornografistas! Es ni pornografía buena. Es apenas un lado de las películas de rapé y amigos que es lo que es próximo porque eso es todo allí es dejado. Y las dos cosas que hacen ellos espantaron cobarde del FCC es y cada psico culto religioso que obtiene positivamente córneo en la mención de un boicot.

The Gift of Giving

I went to Toys R' Us today to look around for board games. Mikey and Felicia wanted to get their son a haircut. I kept looking around and realized there were an extraordinary number of people there but very little good items. I forgot how much I don't like the experience of actually buying presents.

I don't get any personal space. Everyone puts out all that potpourri which almost makes me pass out (my senses are unusually strong especially smell). Nobody shows much courtesy. It is even harder because I really like to take my time selecting the right gift for my friends and family. Unfortunately, I am feeling a bit guilty this year that I won't be able get everyone a gift.

I really enjoy getting gifts for as many friends as I can. Not because I am trying to buy their friendship. I actually enjoy the feeling of giving and sharing. It was something instilled in me very early. Must be that Catholic upbringing (or guilt). I am using a lot of money to pay for incentives for my dissertation. It was the only way to encourage participation after a year of getting only one person. So I had to choose this time.

Besides my family, I was only able to get something for two people. The first of course was graduating with her Ph.D. and has been instrumental in exposing me to the city and improving my socialization skills. She and her boyfriend have been great friends to me as I would have probably been very lonely had I not met them. The second person was also graduating this time with a Master's degree. Without her, I don't think I would have focused on what needs to be done now, what I want to do after I graduate, and what is really important in life. She challenged me to do better and helped balance me when I got a little manic. I am going to miss her most of all.

Coffee? Tea? A Beverage of Some Sort?

I notice that people don't know how to handle my intensity toward things that excite me. I get even worse when I drink coffee. I've had to learn who is okay to act like that around, and who I have to temper my emotions with. I had to give up coffee drinking only sugar-free and caffiene free alternatives. I am sure for my TJ friends and loved ones, I can be down right exhausting. I've learned how to temper myself a little, but it usually results in me becoming more introverted. I feel calmer and stable with INTJ/ISTJ types, because they provide balance.

People who have mood swings, tend to lecture me, don't hold the same ethical principles, or like to argue constantly create a lot of stress for me, because it creates powerful emotions internally that I usually can't express outwardly. I don't like it. I try to adopt the "pick your battles" philosophy because conflict wears me out. Unfortunately, the field I have chosen and getting hired for jobs that place me in a position to manage people really tends to take its toll. I never feel like myself when I am at work, large gatherings, or school. I turn into a passive-aggressive jerk and then go home feeling horribly guilty. It is tough when choices we make (or are forced to make) conflict with our inner nature.

Friday, December 15, 2006

I Want to Live in 18th Century Colonial America

So now it's sunny outside and I couldn't help but notice the smell of pine needles as I was walking next to the PAC. I think this fall has been pretty interesting at UT with actual reds, yellow, oranges and browns. It so reminds me of northern Virginia at this time of the year. I miss Williamsburg, VA in the fall/winter. I miss the yule log and the snow and the cold. If I had my choice, I would like to work at CWM later in life. I can get an M.A. in Early American History part-time while working. Then maybe they'll let me become part of the summer staff and role play as a person living in the historical town. I could learn shoeing or glass blowing or soldiering. Perhaps I could reenact a famous scene in the House of Burgesses as Patrick Henry. I wonder if anyone could imagine me playing a historical politician. Sigh. Well let's pray for cooler temperatures and snow before the end of the year.

Trail of Lights

A group of us was fortunate to go and see the "Trail of Lights" in Zilker Park on Tuesday. One of my friends was performing with the Scottish Highland Dancers. She was amazing for only having studied for a year (oh and for not even being a Scot). It was also briskly cold with a hot cocoa and cider for sale and the giant christmas light tree (big pole with lights angled off it like a tree). I also continued my childish ritual of spinning underneath the center of the tree until I was dizzy and falling down. I even managed to convince someone else (who is usually always in control) to cut loose if but for a few minutes. I think she enjoyed it because she said it was like feeling drunk. Finals time can be a stressful time when you're working and trying to write. It produces moments of honesty, stupidity, love, and childishness.

TGIF because I'm about to be...

While walking to work today, I couldn't get "Freebird" out my head. I had been humming it for more than a week now since I heard it on Guitar Hero II. It's just so easy to remember how it goes. Watching someone play it at dizzying speed definitely keeps the brain and eyes moving.

Everybody has one of those days I guess. Right now it is eerily quiet here since most everyone at UT is in finals. Last night I kind of spaced out dreaming of days gone by when I did have classes with test and papers instead of dissertation writing. Sick isn't it. At least I got out of the rut in October and started the research. Finally making progress.

But today for some reason, I get the feeling I'm about to be karmically bitch-slapped. Something definitely seems off. Email seems slower. Colors seem unusually blah. It is even foggy today. Heck right now I just want to listen to The Cure just to prepare.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Golden Globe Picks

Best Motion Picture – Drama = Bobby (2006)

Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy = Thank You for Smoking (2005)

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama = Forest Whitaker for The Last King of Scotland (2006)

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama = Helen Mirren for The Queen (2006)

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy = Will Ferrell for Stranger Than Fiction (2006)

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy = Meryl Streep for The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture = Ben Affleck for Hollywoodland (2006)

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture = Adriana Barraza for Babel (2006)

Best Director - Motion Picture = Martin Scorsese for The Departed (2006)

Best Screenplay - Motion Picture = Babel (2006): Guillermo Arriaga

Best Foreign Language Film = Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)

Best Animated Film = Cars (2006)

Best Television Series – Drama = "Heroes" (2006/II)

Best Television Series - Musical or Comedy = "The Office" (2005)

Best Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television = Elizabeth I (2005) (TV)

Best Performance by an Actor in a Mini-Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television = Matthew Perry for The Ron Clark Story (2006) (TV)

Best Performance by an Actress in a Mini-Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television = Helen Mirren for Elizabeth I (2005) (TV)

Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series - Musical or Comedy = Tony Shalhoub for "Monk" (2002)

Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series - Musical or Comedy = America Ferrera for "Ugly Betty" (2006)

Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series – Drama = Hugh Laurie for "House M.D." (2004)

Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series – Drama = Kyra Sedgwick for "The Closer" (2005)

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television = Jeremy Piven for "Entourage" (2004)

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television = Sarah Paulson for "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" (2006)

Do You Believe in the MBTI?

Recently, I was reminded of the consequences of my Myers-Briggs Typology (INFP). Such things as conflict avoidance or lacking an objective, decisive attitude causes funny (or frustrating depending on the point of view) moments trying to decide where and what to eat, getting a project completed, or socializing.

Of course now I sort of did finish something. With obsessive compulsive zeal and a lack of rational thought, I just did something incredibly stupid. I am really starting to remember why I do the things I do. Too bad I have yet to get my parents to understand me much less some of my friends. Here is a great little summary I found:

"INFPs… vacillate between two primary desires. Some days, we are monks. We dig up our insides like gardens. We sit by ourselves on the porch and write. We leave parties early to be alone. Other days, we are explorers. We create new projects, foster new ideas. We busy ourselves with hard work. We want to change the world." - Deborah Good, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I think I find it most frustrating to feel very intensely about specific people or things but fail to express it clearly (if at all). The great potential is the devotion and intense passion I can offer. My weakness is that my idealism makes me prone to dreams, fantasy and the occasional irrational thought. I think that is why I am attracted to TJ types. I think I will make a great husband and parent but a horrible manager or disciplinarian.

Eric/k Malmberg's in History

I was astounded about what you can find on Google when you just type things in at random. Of course then it came to mind let's see how good those search engines really are. Well I found out "big brother" is indeed watching me. It is scary how every word or image taken of you can just show up on the internet. Where is my privacy (or was there any to begin with)?

Anyways I found out (according to the internet) that these were other Erik Malmberg's in history listed on a website somewhere:

* Erik Malmberg (1924) - chess player
* Erik Malmberg (1924, 1928, 1932) - winner in Olympic wrestling
* Erik Malmberg (2004) - Swedish musician
* Eric Malmberg (2005) - Swedish musician
* Eric Malmberg (1888-1951) - actor
* Eric Malmberg (1996) - author of books on gymnastics for kids