Sunday, December 17, 2006

Pacers-Pistons v. Knicks-Nuggets

Okay. I was not watching the game live but I did catch the replay on ESPN. Leave to that network to continue hyping up events to mega proportions. What a bunch of media whores. Now I do think that the Pacers-Pistons brawl was worse because fans got involved and players were hitting fans. In this incident, I think the worst that I probably saw was the part were there were four on one just off court. I think they are probably going to get the worst of any penalties.

So what is David Stern to do? As he continues his one man crusade to push uptight, upper-class etiquette in the sport of basketball, one can only wonder what he must be thinking. First, he began the season with giving T fouls to everyone in sight (even franchise players were not immune). Then there was the leather-synthetic fiasco which he has now apparently flip-flopped on. He is becoming unpredictable just like what can happen on the court.

Wait a minute, I thought we didn't like flip-floppers. We elected our current president because his opponent did this. Maybe we will see more leniency but don't hold your breath. I think we are going to see 30 game suspensions as he tries to appease whatever the hell candy-ass constituency keeps pushing for PC behavior in sports. What is he thinking? This is sports. Where grown men or women are competing to win. Human nature says there is going to be emotions and you can't always predict what happens next.

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