Friday, January 5, 2007

There's No Such Thing as Global Warming, Right?

Okay seriously, I don't want to here from the naysayers out there. As you know, our President has said that there is no such thing as global warming. In fact, he has done so far as to instruct the EPA that they don't need to worry about it anymore (ha ha). So last night I am hearing on CNN and the Weather Channel that the northeast is perplexed by the above average temperatures. This comes right off the announcement late last month that a major ice shelf broke of one of the poles in 2005. So why should we even care?

Well we just had to back-to-back blizzards in Colorado. Then this morning, the same news channels I mentioned above were informing us that there has been devastating thunderstorms and tornadoes ravaging the south. Well I'm no expert but maybe something is up. Now I am not sure whether people want to say it is a sign of the
apocalypse or God just stretching his finger or maybe the CIA did it...well okay maybe it was Bigfoot.

Perhaps it is something more rationale. Maybe we are putting out more pollutants and toxins into our environment then anytime in the history of civilization. Or perhaps its just that we have been doing a whole heck of a lot more since 2001. Whatever your political leanings, you've got to admit we have been getting some weird weather patterns lately. Don't even get me started on the heat and humidity here in Texas. I know that isn't unusual, but we seem to be getting more of it.

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