Thursday, December 14, 2006

Do You Believe in the MBTI?

Recently, I was reminded of the consequences of my Myers-Briggs Typology (INFP). Such things as conflict avoidance or lacking an objective, decisive attitude causes funny (or frustrating depending on the point of view) moments trying to decide where and what to eat, getting a project completed, or socializing.

Of course now I sort of did finish something. With obsessive compulsive zeal and a lack of rational thought, I just did something incredibly stupid. I am really starting to remember why I do the things I do. Too bad I have yet to get my parents to understand me much less some of my friends. Here is a great little summary I found:

"INFPs… vacillate between two primary desires. Some days, we are monks. We dig up our insides like gardens. We sit by ourselves on the porch and write. We leave parties early to be alone. Other days, we are explorers. We create new projects, foster new ideas. We busy ourselves with hard work. We want to change the world." - Deborah Good, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I think I find it most frustrating to feel very intensely about specific people or things but fail to express it clearly (if at all). The great potential is the devotion and intense passion I can offer. My weakness is that my idealism makes me prone to dreams, fantasy and the occasional irrational thought. I think that is why I am attracted to TJ types. I think I will make a great husband and parent but a horrible manager or disciplinarian.

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