Monday, December 18, 2006

I Forgot to Take Out The...

You would think someone as OCD as I am would find a way to integrate this behaviour into the realm of etiquette. You know it's funny but I never used to remember to send out cards for any occasion. Only my immediate family would get them, and I always had to give one serious one and one funny. Heck I even like to keep grooming and wardrobe simple opting for a short haircut (my mom thinks it's too military) and single color fabrics. You can't imagine how much I loathe wearing a suit. The event or the person has to be very special for me to do it. I just would rather wear cargo shorts and a nice polo everyday.

Lately I have gotten into predictable patterns of conducting my daily life again (with only one area that is an exception). For example, on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I go to the convenience store right before work the guy already as the five things I want to buy waiting (a newspaper, bag of peanuts, Zero candy bar, 16 oz. Diet Mountain Dew, and a 1L bottle of Ozarka). He even remembers how I want to pay. Then there is the Monday, Wednesday, Friday lunch ritual of getting Wendy's. I eat only the meat/cheese on a triple, side Caesar salad, and large Diet Coke. I even take the same road and path to get to and from work. These are just a few of the patterns that might drive some people mad.

But today, I woke up and realized I had forgotten to get my Christmas cards out. I bought them two weeks ago. I even wrote about half of them (all except for the acquaintance ones) that night. But I didn't have the addresses for my professors and co-workers. So I got into the office today and after trying to figure out how to get into the SSB on Friday (the building is open but DOS is not) for my interviews, I sat down to finish my cards. Now they are just sitting here staring at me as I try to forget about the fact I was late with them. But there is still the constant gnawing thought - How could I be so absent-minded?

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