Friday, December 15, 2006

I Want to Live in 18th Century Colonial America

So now it's sunny outside and I couldn't help but notice the smell of pine needles as I was walking next to the PAC. I think this fall has been pretty interesting at UT with actual reds, yellow, oranges and browns. It so reminds me of northern Virginia at this time of the year. I miss Williamsburg, VA in the fall/winter. I miss the yule log and the snow and the cold. If I had my choice, I would like to work at CWM later in life. I can get an M.A. in Early American History part-time while working. Then maybe they'll let me become part of the summer staff and role play as a person living in the historical town. I could learn shoeing or glass blowing or soldiering. Perhaps I could reenact a famous scene in the House of Burgesses as Patrick Henry. I wonder if anyone could imagine me playing a historical politician. Sigh. Well let's pray for cooler temperatures and snow before the end of the year.

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